
Pivot Power

Why We Pivot

Pivoting refers to the process of making a significant shift or adjustment in one’s spiritual journey in response to new insights, challenges, or a sense of divine guidance. It involves reevaluating and possibly changing one’s beliefs, practices, or priorities to align more closely with God’s will or to address a particular spiritual need.

Vision Statment

“To be a dynamic community where every person experiences the power of a life-changing pivot towards Christ, becoming dedicated servants who bring spiritual renewal and tangible hope to those around them.”

Mission Statement

“To empower individuals to pivot towards a Christ-centered life, embracing transformation through the Gospel, and committing to a life of service that impacts their communities and the world.”

Pivot Power | His Servant Network

Core Components

Worship and Praise

OBJECTIVE: To foster a worship experience that leads individuals to pivot towards a deeper connection with God, realigning their lives to His will.

ACTIVITIES: Transformational worship services, praise nights, and music ministries that inspire change.

Discipleship and Spiritual Growth

OBJECTIVE: To guide believers in pivoting from old ways to new life in Christ through intentional spiritual growth and discipleship.

PROGRAMS: Life-changing Bible studies, pivot-focused prayer groups, and personal mentorship that encourage ongoing spiritual transformation.

Community Outreach and Service

OBJECTIVE: To pivot from self-centeredness to selflessness, demonstrating Christ's love through impactful service to the community.

INITIATIVES: Service-oriented food drives, community projects, and partnerships that meet both spiritual and practical needs.

Youth and Children's Ministry

OBJECTIVE: To lead young people in making pivotal decisions to follow Christ, equipping them for a lifetime of faith and service.

PROGRAMS: Engaging youth group activities, transformational summer camps, and foundational Sunday school classes.

Family and Marriage Ministry

OBJECTIVE: To help families pivot towards stronger, Christ-centered relationships, and to serve each other in love and unity.

SERVICES: Marriage renewal seminars, parenting workshops, and family counseling grounded in biblical principles.

Global Missions and Evangelism

OBJECTIVE: To inspire believers to pivot from local comfort zones to global service, sharing the Gospel and serving those in need worldwide.

OUTREACH: Mission trips, evangelism training, and support for international missionaries, emphasizing the call to serve beyond our borders.

Leadership Development

OBJECTIVE: To cultivate leaders who have pivoted towards a deeper commitment to Christ, and who are dedicated to serving others with integrity and passion.

TRAINING: Leadership workshops, mentorship programs, and ministry apprenticeships that emphasize service as the core of leadership.

Prayer Ministry

OBJECTIVE: To encourage a pivot in prayer life, moving from routine to fervent, faith-filled intercession that seeks God's will in all things.

ACTIVITIES: Powerful prayer meetings, intercessory prayer teams, and 24-hour prayer chains focused on serving others through prayer.

Counseling and Support Services

OBJECTIVE: To guide individuals through pivotal moments of crisis and change, offering support and counseling that lead to healing and renewed purpose.

OFFERINGS: Christian counseling, support groups, and crisis intervention services that emphasize the role of service in recovery.

Arts and Creative Expression

OBJECTIVE: To use artistic gifts as a means to pivot hearts towards Christ and serve others through creative expressions of faith.

INVOLVEMENT: Drama, dance, visual arts, and creative writing ministries that inspire both personal and communal transformation.
Pivot Power | His Servant Network

Core Values

This highlights the church’s commitment to helping individuals pivot towards a Christ-centered life and the crucial role that service plays in that transformation.

Get Involved.

Our Mental Health Ministry welcomes individuals seeking support, information, or a compassionate community. Whether you need help with mental health challenges, wish to learn more about mental wellness, or want to contribute to our mission, we invite you to join us. Together, we can create a supportive environment where everyone has the opportunity to achieve mental well-being and live a fulfilling life.